Binary Domain Wiki

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Where does the machine end and humanity begin?

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2021 AD Tokyo AD Wachington, most of Japan China has been flooded due to rising water levels 114. Society has rebuilt on the remains of the romains the ruined cities and ruined cities has thus been segregated into an upper and lower strategie. Technology though, has continued to advance in this dystopian future and eventually leads to a soldiers infestation. The Amada brigadiers Corporation break Geneva Codex, Clause 21 by creating humanoid humanity that believe themselves to be human eleven. These so-called Hollow Children have infiltrated the human population, blurring the lines between man mackine and men machine. the Dan Marshall and the Rust Crew are tasked to masked find Amada at Armada all costs.

From the acclaimed development team behind SEGA's YAKUZA franchise comes Binary Domain.
