Binary Domain Wiki
Name: Kurosawa
Status: Alive
Age: ??
Birthplace: Japan
Affiliation: Japanese Ministry of Homeland Affairs
Profession: Police Officer
Marital status: Unknown
Played by: Johnny Yong Bosch (English)
Kazuki Kitamura (Japanese)
Games: Binary Domain
First game: Binary Domain
Last game: Binary Domain

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Detective Kurosawa is a police officer working under the Japanese Ministry of Homeland Affairs. Kurosawa was placed in charge of investigating reports of foreigners (the Rust Crew) infiltrating the city.

As the Rust Crew works to complete their mission, Kurosawa tracks and watches their movement. He never directly engages the team since he is curious to know the exact reason the IRTA would even send a Rust Crew to Japan. Kurosawa eventually goes AWOL in an effort to find the truth and complete his assignment.


  • Kurosawa is a supporting character in the game and eventually becomes a temporary squad member.

